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Every Moment

"It is not enough to preach to men; we must pray with them and forthem; we must not hold ourselves coldly aloof from them, but come insympathy close to the souls we wish to save, visit and converse with them."Evangelism, p. 640

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eternity Before Us

They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth
before God. Ps. 84:7.

All heaven has been looking with intense interest upon those who claim
to be God's commandment-keeping people. Here are the people who ought to be
able to claim all the rich promises of God, who ought to be going on from
glory to glory and from strength to strength, who ought to be in a position
to reflect glory to God in the works that they do. . . .

We have received the rich blessing of God, but we must not stop here.
We are to catch more and more the divine rays of light from heaven. We are
to stand just where we can receive the light and reflect it, in its glory,
upon the pathway of others. . . .

We need to drink deeper and deeper of the fountain of life. . . . You
may have a living testimony to bear: "Hear what the Lord has done for my
soul." The Lord is ready to impart still greater blessings. He permitted all
His goodness to pass before Moses. He proclaimed His character to him as a
God full of mercy--long-suffering and gracious, forgiving iniquity,
transgression, and sin. Moses was to represent this character to the people
of Israel, and we are to do the same. We are to go forth to proclaim the
goodness of God and to make plain His real character before the people. We
are to reflect His glory. . . . Let us declare the character of God to the
people as Moses did to Israel, both in spirit and life. We are to catch the
light of His countenance, full of compassion and love, and reflect it to
perishing souls.

I beseech you to keep reaching out after God, to keep drinking of the
fountain of living water. You may be as a tree planted by the rivers of
waters, whose leaf does not wither. You may be full of moisture, and may be
able to refresh others, and to give them grace and comfort. I love Jesus
now, and I want to know more and more of Him. I have only begun to know Him,
but there is an eternity before us in which there will be revealings of His
glory, and we shall become better and better acquainted with our divine

>From That I May Know Him - Page 370


When you hear the statment that "Jesus is coming soon". What is your response?